
Our 2015 Speakers are to be determined. Below is the list of speakers that presented at our 2014 conference. 

The Bartlett Bee Whisperer
Bee Keeping
Details to come.

Rachel Payne of Tiramar Farms
Soap Making 101 and Getting Your Goats

Thyme Wisper of Thyme Wisper Herb Shop
Making Tinctures: Beyond the Folk Method

Paula Sweatt - Master Gardener
Lasagna Gardening

Priscilla Eddins - Family & consumer Science Extension Agent with the University of Tennessee
Preserving the Harvest

Sherl Rose - Master Gardener
City Chicks: Raising Chickens in the City

Merrie Thomas of Greenhouses Go Green
10 Steps to Living Independently and Becoming Self-Sufficient

Fred Payne 
Basic Survival Skills and Preparing Your Poultry