Saturday, June 28, 2014



Thank you for your interest in the Midsouth Homesteading Conference and Festival! We are very thankful for all the wonder vendors, speakers, and attendees who have decided to participate in our event. We are looking forward to a great time in September! 

I have a couple of quick things to share with you:

We have solidified the majority of our conference classes. A full list is included on our schedule page, but some of the class topics include soap making, gardening, chicken keeping, hay production, food preservation, bee keeping, and general self sufficiency skills such as growing year round and using alternative energy. Our hour-by-hour schedule will be available soon!

We have shortened the time for the Conference day and lowered the fee to reflect this change. The conference will now end with lunch rather than go all day. The fee for the conference is now $35 dollars for the early-bird registration and $45 after August 1. Lunch is still included in this price, and children 11 and under can still come free with a parent. We have a wonderful line up of speakers! You do not want to miss this opportunity to gain useful knowledge and skills.

The time for the festival remains the same. However, we felt that it was only fair to lower prices across the board, so we have also lowered the vendor booth fee. Vendor booths are now $25 rather than $35. (Vendors who have already sent payment will be reimbursed for the excess.) There is still room for more, but we are booking up fast so be sure to contact me asap if you want to be a vendor! 

One last thing: I thought you might like to see a picture of the pond at our beautiful venue. 

Lovely, isn't it?

See you in September!



  1. Hello! I am a Mother Earth subscriber in Arkansas, and today I got the email with the list of venues for Homestead festivals. Sadly there is not a thing in Arkansas, so I'm checking out some surrounding states :). Is there a good place to stay near you such as a campsite? I think what you are doing is wonderful and something we hope to be able to do on our place in the future! Blessings

    1. Hi Maghan! The closest campground I know of is at Shelby Forest just outside of Millington, TN. The park is about 30-40 minutes from the farm.

      Thank you very much!
